Antioxidant shot

Shot de bayas silvestres lleno de antioxidantes. 50 ml

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (+3000 reviews)

MAX : "Ce jus est absolument incroyable ! Le mélange de mangue, de fruit de la passion et d'orange est comme une fête tropicale dans ma bouche. Et le fait de savoir qu'il est bourré de vitamine C le rend encore meilleur."

❄️ Pressed with slow juicer and shock-freezed
♻️ Packaged in sustainable glass bottles
🚚 Free Delivery in your first order
🥳 +275.000 happy orders

Para nuestro shot antioxidante prensamos diversas bayas silvestres, granada y especias con el exprimidor lento.

El resultado es un shot fresco y ácido con un toque picante y una alta dosis de antioxidantes, incluidas las vitaminas C y E*.

¡Natural, ecológico y delicioso! Con este shot antioxidante ayudas a tu cuerpo a combatir los radicales libres. Estos pueden dañar las células de su cuerpo. La capacidad de eliminar los radicales libres hace que los antioxidantes sean saludables. Por eso pensamos que en nuestra gama de shots de verduras ecológicos no podía faltar una dosis de antioxidantes. Queríamos crear un shot que fuera, por supuesto, completamente puro y natural. Nuestra investigación descubrió que las bayas silvestres en particular tienen un alto contenido en antioxidantes. Como las granadas y varias especias también tienen un alto contenido en antioxidantes, también las añadimos a la mezcla. Esta combinación hace que nuestro zumo de bayas ANTIOXIDANTE sea saludable y, además, ¡muy sabroso! 

This juice is not only a pleasure to drink, it is also full of love for your body. The tasty juice is rich in vitamin C, which comes from blackcurrants and strawberries. Vitamin C is known as an all-rounder; it acts as an antioxidant, supports your immune system, is important for your skin and so on. Vitamin A is also well represented in this juice, which is good for your eyesight. The Love juice also contributes to resistance to stress and helps with the cell division process thanks to the nice dose of folate (vitamin B11), mainly from strawberries. The organic carrot in this juice is not only a source of vitamin A, but also the main supplier of copper, an antioxidant that promotes energy metabolism. In addition to these nutrients, the juice contains even more vitamins and minerals that are important for your body, such as potassium, which contributes to the normal functioning of your muscles and nerves and is beneficial for your blood pressure. In short, the Love fruit juice offers a loving supplement for your body!

Todos nuestros productos son de agricultura ecologica

Granaatappel, Aroniabes, Kruisbes, Mírtilos, Zwarte bes, Bosbes, Wilde duindoornbes, Framboos, Kruisbes, Cranberry, Zwarte bes, Kruidnagel, Kaneel, Vanille, Drop

94 kcal / 392 kj
2.6 g
1 g
Verzadigd vet
0.2 g
24.4 g
Natuurlijke suikers
8.8 g
<0.02 g
7.6 g

Getoond als een percentage van de referentie-inname (RI).
De RI van een gemiddelde volwassene is 8400 kJ / 2000 kcal per dag.

297 mg
Vitamine B6
0.22 mg
Vitamine C
84 mg
Vitamine E
4.3 μg
Vitamine K
14 μg
>14.85% of RDA
Het is gunstig voor de bloeddruk, ondersteunt de normale werking van spieren en speelt een belangrijke rol in het functioneren van de zenuwen.
Vitamine B6
>15.71% of RDA
Het is belangrijk voor de vorming van rode bloedcellen, bevordert het energiemetabolisme, draagt bij aan de regulatie van hormonale activiteit en helpt vermoeidheid te verminderen.
Vitamine C
>105% of RDA
Het ondersteunt je immuunsysteem en is een antioxidant, beschermt tegen vrije radicalen. Het draagt bij aan de vorming van collageen, wat belangrijk is voor gezonde bloedvaten en een gezonde huid. Het draagt ook bij aan een heldere geest en een goede werking van de zenuwen.
Vitamine E
>35.83% of RDA
Het is een antioxidant die helpt de lichaamscellen te beschermen tegen schade veroorzaakt door onder andere vervuiling en zonlicht.
Vitamine K
>18.67% of RDA
Het helpt bij de normale bloedstolling. Het ondersteunt de opname van mineralen in botweefsel en draagt bij aan het behoud van sterke botten.
  • Frozen juices can be stored in the freezer at a temperature of at least -18°C for several months. Please note the best before date on the caps for the exact amount of time.
  • Once defrosted, the juices remain fresh in the refrigerator at a temperature of up to 7°C for a maximum of 4 days.
  • For optimal preservation of nutrients, we recommend that you drink the juice as soon as possible after defrosting.
  • Defrosting in a refrigerator takes around 24-30 hours, depending on the temperature in the refrigerator and whether the frozen juices are placed close together.
  • Do not refreeze thawed juices
  • Can’t wait to taste your fresh juices? Defrost your first juice(s) in lukewarm water at a maximum temperature of 40°C.

How much space do you need in your freezer?

A standard freezer drawer of 40 cm wide by 25 cm deep can hold at least 24 juices (the contents of a full box). The Sapje bottle is 16 cm tall and has a diameter of 6 cm. Don’t have enough space? Then keep as many bottles as possible in the freezer and the rest in the fridge. The juices can be kept for 4 days after thawing.


Taste of the Love fruit juice




Por 100g

Valor energético

57 kcal / 237 kj


1,2 g


3,8 g

De las cuales saturadas

3,0 g

Hidratos de carbono

3,5 g

De los cuales azúcares

0,6 g

Food fibres

1,8 g


0,48 g

  • Frozen juices can be stored in the freezer at a temperature of at least -18°C for several months. Please note the best before date on the caps for the exact amount of time.
  • Once defrosted, the juices remain fresh in the refrigerator at a temperature of up to 7°C for a maximum of 4 days.
  • For optimal preservation of nutrients, we recommend that you drink the juice as soon as possible after defrosting.
  • Defrosting in a refrigerator takes around 24-30 hours, depending on the temperature in the refrigerator and whether the frozen juices are placed close together.
  • Do not refreeze thawed juices
  • Can’t wait to taste your fresh juices? Defrost your first juice(s) in lukewarm water at a maximum temperature of 40°C.

How much space do you need in your freezer?

A standard freezer drawer of 40 cm wide by 25 cm deep can hold at least 24 juices (the contents of a full box). The Sapje bottle is 16 cm tall and has a diameter of 6 cm. Don’t have enough space? Then keep as many bottles as possible in the freezer and the rest in the fridge. The juices can be kept for 4 days after thawing.

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> 285% of RDA

Vitamin A

> 573% of RDA

Vitamin B1

> 91% of RDA

Vitamin B2

> 79% of RDA

Vitamin B3

> 58% of RDA

Vitamin B5

> 72% of RDA

VItamin B6

> 143% of RDA

Vitamin C

> 535% of RDA

Folic Acid

> 304% of RDA

VItamin E

> 77% of RDA

Vitamin K

> 2303% of RDA


> 535% of RDA


> 204% of RDA


> 139% of RDA


> 86% of RDA


> 63% of RDA


> 180% of RDA


> 140% of RDA


> 131% of RDA

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